Wednesday 15 September 2021 Regular meeting
After an enforced break of 18 months, the lodge resumed. The WM was proclaimed in office until the next election and he then confirmed his officers. There was a successful ballot for and Honorary member and three proposals for joining members. Afterwards the members and guests dined together in peace and harmony.
Wednesday 20 October 2021 Regular meeting
Although a ceremony had been planned and rehearsed, the candidate was unfortunately not able to attend. The WM gave a short talk to the members, after which the members and guests dined together.
Wednesday 24 November 2021 Scroll Night
Unusually for Scroll Night, the lodge first carried out a ceremony, Passing Bro. Matthew to the Second degree. Afterwards the usual elections took place, with Bro. Mark Allison being elected as Master Elect. Afterwards the members and guests dined together in peace and harmony.
Wednesday 15 December 2021 Installation Meeting
For the first time for two years, the lodge met to install a new Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Allison. The installation was carried out in an excellent fashion by the outgoing Master, W.Bro. Wight, assisted by other other members of the lodge. Afterwards, the members and guests dined together in a socially distanced manner.
Wednesday 19 January 2022 Regular Meeting
The Brethren received an interesting talk from W.Bro. Holroyd on some elements of Masonic symbolism. Afterwards the members and guests dined together.
Wednesday 16 February 2022 Regular Meeting
The Brethren received an interesting talk from Bro. Tracey on aspects of his life. Afterwards the members and guests dined together.
Wednesday 16 March 2022 Regular Meeting
The Officers and Brethren of the Lodge Raised Bro. Draper to the degree of Master Mason. Afterwards the members and guests dined together.
Wednesday 20 April 2022 Regular Meeting
The Officers and Brethren of the Lodge Raised Bro. Matthews to the degree of Master Mason. Afterwards the members and guests dined together.
Wednesday 18 May 2022 Regular Meeting
The Officers and Brethren of the Lodge completed the Third degree ceremony for Bros. Draper and Matthews. Afterwards the members and guests dined together.
Wednesday 15 June 2022 Regular Meeting
The Officers, Brethren and visitors received a demonstration of “The Walking Charge” by W.Bro. Atkins. The WM thanked his for a very information demonstration. Afterwards the members and guests dined together.
Wednesday 20 July 2022 Regular Meeting
The Officers of the Lodge Initiated Mr. Christopher McGrath in an excellent fashion. Afterwards, the members and guests dined together and Bro, McGrath was received into the Lodge in the usual manner with the Initiate’s Chain.
Wednesday 21 September 2022 Regular Meeting
The Officers of the Lodge Initiated Mr. Rob Peacock in an excellent fashion. Afterwards, the members and guests dined together and Bro, McGrath was received into the Lodge in the usual manner with the Initiate’s Chain.
Wednesday 19 October 2022 Regular Meeting
The Past Masters of the Lodge gave a demonstration of the ceremony of Initiation. Afterwards, the members and guests dined together.
Wednesday 16 November 2022 Scroll Night
The Lodge met to carry out the elections of Worshipful Master and other officers for the coming year. W.Bro, Allison was unanimously elected to continue as WM for a second year. The Charity Steward then gave a short talk on Masonic charity. Afterwards, the members dined together.