News and Events 2022/23

Wednesday 21 December 2022 Installation Meeting

As he was continuing in office for  a second year,  W.Bro. Allison was proclaimed as Worshipful Master, in the presence of the Rt W Provincial Grand Master and many guests.  He then invested his officers for the year.  Afterwards, the members and guests dined in peace and harmony.  A raffle raised over £200 for Swinnow Community Centre.

Wednesday 18 January 2023 Regular Meeting

The members were expecting to receive a paper from Bro. Dr. Robert Lomas on “Secrets of the First Degree”.  Unfortunately Bro. Lomas was unable to attend and V.W.Bro. Stuart Lines delivered the paper on his behalf.  Afterwards, the members and guests dined in peace and harmony.  

Wednesday 15 February 2023 Regular Meeting

W.Bro. Darren Holroyd delivered a paper entitled “The Masonic Goat – symbolic
reality or practical joke?”.  It was received by those present with the usual acclamation.  Afterwards, the members and guests dined in peace and harmony.  

Wednesday 15 March 2023 Regular Meeting

V.W.Bro. Stuart Lines delivered a paper entitled “Women and early Freemasonry”.  It was received by those present with the usual acclamation, after which the members and guests dined in peace and harmony.  

Wednesday 19 April 2023 Regular Meeting

In the absence of several officers through sickness or business commitments, the planned ceremony was postponed.  Instead W.Bro. Holroyd delivered an interesting paper on Masonic symbolism.   Afterwards the members and guests dined in peace and harmony.  

Wednesday 17 May 2023 Regular Meeting

In the absence of several officers through sickness or business commitments, the planned ceremony was postponed.  Instead W.Bro. Wight delivered an interesting paper on some aspects of the lodge room.  Afterwards the members and guests dined in peace and harmony.  

Wednesday 21 June 2023 Regular Meeting

The Lodge Organist, W.Bro. Calverley, gave an interesting talk on his musical journey and masonic music, which was received by the members with acclamation.  Afterwards the members and guests dined in peace and harmony.  

Wednesday 19 July 2023 Regular Meeting

The Officers of the Lodge Initiated Mr. Terence Mitchell in an excellent fashion.  Afterwards, the members and guests dined together and Bro. Mitchell was received into the Lodge in the usual manner with the Initiate’s Chain.

Wednesday 20 September 2023 Regular Meeting

The Officers of the Lodge gave a demonstration of the ceremony of Initiation, with a commentary on various aspects of the ceremony.   This was received by the members with thanks for a useful and informative demonstration.  Afterwards, the members and guests dined together.

Wednesday 18 October 2023 Regular Meeting

The proposed Initiation ceremony had to be postposed as the candidate was unwell.  Instead, the officers of the Lodge gave a demonstration of the ceremony of Initiation, to a high standard.  Afterwards, the members and guests dined together.

Wednesday 15 November 2023 Scroll Night

The brethren elected the Senior Warden, W.Bro. David Prince,  as Master Elect for the coming year.  Other officer holders were also elected.  Afterwards the members dined together in harmony.