Wednesday 20 November 2019 Regular meeting
The Traditional History in the Third Degree was delivered to Bro. Luke Godfrey and Bro. Jonathan Ellis, Prince of Wales Lodge No. 1648. The annual elections then took place for officers for the coming year.
Wednesday 16 October 2019 Regular meeting
W.Bro. Holroyd, assisted by W.Bro. Wight, delivered a talk entitled ‘An
Explanation of the First Degree Ancient Charge’. Following their presentation the W.Master thanked W.Bro. Holroyd and W.Bro. Wight for their participation, which proved most enlightening, and one in which all the Brethren made a daily advancement in their Masonic knowledge.
Wednesday 18 September 2019 Regular meeting
The Worshipful Master, assisted by officers and members of the Lodge, Raised Bro. Luke Godfrey to the Third Degree.
Wednesday 17 July 2019 Regular meeting
For the last meeting before the summer break, the lodge delivered a demonstration of a Initiation. This was accompanied by explanatory narrative, outlining some of the historical and symbolic meaning of parts of the ceremony. Attended by over 50 members and guests, the evening was enjoyed by all present.
Wednesday 19 June 2019 Regular meeting
The Lodge received a talk from Bro. Dr. Robert D. Lomas – Lodge of Living Stones No. 4957 – entitled ‘Roslyn Chapel and the Real Origins of Freemasonry’. There followed a most interesting, enlightening and informative talk from Bro. Lomas, who answered questions from the Brethren, and who were unanimous that all had made another important daily advancement in their Masonic Knowledge. The W.Master thanked Bro. Lomas for his excellent presentation and the Brethren showed their appreciation in the usual Masonic manner.
Tuesday 28 May 2019
At the request of St. Laurence Lodge, Thoresby Lodge No. 4920 Raised Bro Tom Harris to the degree of a Master Mason. This was a unique ceremony as members of all four lodges meeting in Pudsey Masonic Hall took part in an outstanding ceremony.
Wednesday 15 May 2019 Regular meeting
The members and guests were entertained by a lecture from W.Bro. Dr. Simon Lindley on Music for Royal Occasions. Delivered in his inimitable style, it was greeted with acclamation by the brethren.
Wednesday 17 April 2019 Regular meeting
The Worshipful Master and officers of the Lodge Raised Bro. Mehta to the degree of a Master Mason.
Wednesday 20 March 2019 Regular meeting
The Worshipful Master and officers of the Lodge Passed Bro. Tom Harris to the degree of a Fellowcraft.
Wednesday 20 February 2019 Regular meeting
The Worshipful Master and officers of the Lodge Initiated Mr Elliott Matthews as a Freemason. He was afterwards received into the Lodge in the usual manner.
Burns Supper 26 January 2019 (Pudsey Masonic Hall Club event)
Members of the Lodge and their guests joined with the other lodges meeting at the Hall to celebrate Burns Night. After an excellent dinner, everyone was entertained by singer Kathie Ryan.
Wednesday 16 January 2019 Regular meeting
The Worshipful Master and officers of the Lodge Passed Bro Draper to the degree of a Fellowcraft. W.Bro. Stephen Woods was elected as joining member of the Lodge.
Wednesday 19 December 2018 Installation meeting
The Master Elect. Bro. Ludo Geci, was installed as Worshipful Master by W.Bro. Prince, in the presence of the Provincial Grand Master and a large number of members and guests. The new Worshipful Master then appointed and invested his officers for the year. Afterwards, the brethren dined together in peace and harmony.